Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard!

Hello everyone! It has been a year since I last updated this blog and well, that makes me sad. So I am going to try to do better. Not for the reason that you might think. Yes, I would like to provide fresh insight and news about my life and what I think about it in general, BUT what I really want to do is document and keep track of all the small and large moments that make life, LIFE!
In my last post I spoke about change and growth and what Dan and I were doing to accomplish this in big ways in our life. We have since left our day jobs and have had a completely stellar first year out on our own with our Web and Graphic Design Joomla based business, Pixel Point Creative. I love this business. It is more than that to Dan and I. It is and has become our passion. For the past few years we have worked SO HARD and loved every minute of it. A great quote I just heard recently and it so applies is: "Find what you love to do most and you will never 'work' another day in your life." I truly feel this is what we have found. This kind of little everyday utopia. It's quite fantastic really.
So on that note another part of this dream has been realized as well. When Dan and I travel we always dream about our life and what we want to to become so let me take you back for a moment. October 2008, driving on our way home in our Volvo station wagon from Myrtle Beach, SC, we brought Pixel Point Creative to a whole new level. We came up with policy, strategy, goals, business philosophy. It was awesome. Like Jerry Maguire awesome. This is when and where Pixel Point Creative's future was shaped. We love and cherish that day. We also, on this wonderful road trip, decided that we would spend our snowy Pennsylvania winters in sunny Florida. Because of the nature of our business we can work ANYWHERE we want to. So that is what we have done. We put the vision out there, we put the energy out there and worked super hard and VOILA, we are here. Dream realized. We are here until April 7, 2012. We couldn't be more pleased. Truly. We have been learning French, eating clean, visiting with family and friends, enjoying the sun, accomplishing fitness and health goals. WOW! It has been seamless, really. We thought we might feel overwhelmed by all of this change but no, we have welcomed it with open arms! We are on an adventure and we intend to get everything we possibly can out of it. We have a lovely and spacious condo near Tampa, Fl. So far we have traveled to 13 different areas of Florida. Up and down the Gulf Coast and over to central Florida. We have gone golfing and disc golfing, ripped up Disney (Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom with some great friends, more on that later) So many adventures and so many more to go! Not just here either! We plan to keep the momentum going and truly LIVE our LIVES to the fullest in Erie too! We thought we were, but we weren't even coming close. That's okay though we are ready to be out with the old habits and in with the new from here on out!

That is all for now but stay tuned for more on the trip down here with two cats in a VW Rabbit, and what we have done so far in the next post. Pictures too!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Baseball and Stephen Christian

It was a beautiful day in May (2010) when we all headed out to see Anberlin in Edinboro, PA at a youth center called 'The Hangout'. When we got there we disovered that there was no power! Not only at 'The Hangout' but in the whole town of Edinboro. We found a little bar with the lights out hoping they were serving despite the power outage...and they were! So we hung out in there for a little while.

After chillin in the bar for awhile we headed outside to find the first band performing an acoustic set in the parking lot. We listened from afar hoping the power would come back on. Meanwhile the members from Anberlin and Story of the Year decided they were going to play catch in the parking lot. Just a little aside, these tickets were a birthday present to my sister who absolutely loves Anberlin. We were watching them play and then who comes out of the bus? Stephen Christian, the lead singer of Anberlin! My sister and I could not pass up this photo op! I jokingly asked whether she realized that these were VIP tickets?! We laughed and walked over and asked Stephen if we could take a picture with him. He graciously obliged!

The power came back on about 10 minutes later and the night continued to be amazing. Story of the Year rocked it out and Anberlin was impressive as usual!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.

Often times people talk about the changes happening in their lives. Whether it be with a new job, birth of a baby, a move to a new city etc. One thing I have noticed is we always talk about the change itself but we don't often reference the growth we experience through it.

Case in point. I am experiencing a transition of fulfilling a dream with my husband. That dream is one that will cause MAJOR changes to occur in our life together. This to me is more than just taking the risk or making the leap. It is about change; while through these changes we will grow together in so many ways. Not only adding another role that we play as a couple but our life will be enriched to the fullest potential! Our roles are currently-- best friends, husband and wife, travel companions, music lovers, (the list could go on) and this change will mean we will be in the full role of BUSINESS PARTNERS. Some of you may gasp at the thought of eating, sleeping, breathing your mate in life. But Dan and I have had a lot of practice with this over the past 5 years. We have both worked for the same company for the past 5 years while within that time span we have built a business. Which now we are ready to fully transition into. Through the building process we have had struggles and worked through each one together. We have had amazing high points and dreadful stress filled times. But we have grown as best friends, as a couple, and as business partners. Through this transition we will continue to grow...not only financially but creatively, culturally, spiritually...wholly. A new balance will enter into our lives. It will no longer be the two of us waking up, working, eating, working some more and repeating...day after day...Our time will be ours to dedicate to our life and business.

This dream has been evolving over the past 3 years. This dream involves freedom as the end game. Freedom to be who we want to be and LOVE what we do EVERYDAY we wake up. Now you may ask, what sparked this awakening? Well, not to sound cliche but...Life is too short. We are only on this earth ONE TIME. It is for that reason alone we are working so hard to ensure that this dream comes true. We vowed that we will not waste our time in monotony. We will not be on a time clock that isn't ours. WE will define our goals as professionals. This will allow us to do things we always wanted to do or get back to. Travel more, read more, I will get back to my music, I want to learn how to sew, we both have a passion for photography that we want to foster, and I know Daniel has a list of things he wants to start or get back to. Other pluses with this transition is we plan to leave our snowy city in the winter months and work and live somewhere warm and return once our snowy city thaws from its long winters nap. Our dream is to live our life together outside the box. Not only will this change our lives but we will be able to spread our wings and grow in our life just as we see fit and by doing this we are truly honoring this one chance at making life a fantastic experience!

What change do you want to implement so you can enable yourself to grow??

'til soon my friends,

Monday, September 29, 2008


Blogging, in case you didn't know, is a derivative of the words 'Web Log', I bet a lot of you veteran bloggers didn't even know that, well now that my curiosity is killed of where the word blog came from, Dan and I thought to ourselves well there is some 'stuff' we would like to blog about. Home improvements, vacations, recipes, world events etc. etc. So here we are....Coming out and giving up our blogging virginity with the hope to provide some fun and interesting updates on our life as we make our way through it in Erie, PA.